Haha sorrie that i didn't really type my personal journal " tmr" . Sometimes I am a girl who cannot keep their promise. BAD BAd huh?! I have done many terrible things that i don't mean to . You can't change the mistakes ,but u can make it better in the future . I might vow to help that man , the man Im nice to , the man I often hang out with , the man I made love with ; I helped him of something and I ended giving a hard time. It seems like I'm the fucking girl who mess up some one's goal then. I may be a slow person & have a.d.d problem . HAHA!? I was dumb enough that I didn't say to my mother that I didn't get pay because I was in a trail time to a new part-time job. I thought I can give me the best and assist this man . I silly assumed we can be a boss and employee then in the time off of work ...I'm just a cheesy virtual intimidate sibling. Later on , my mom doesn't lIke the way I complained that I didn't get and can't do the photo shop tune part of the JOB ,and she was mad that I had gone out late at night with him in a movie and eating. She tries to say most of people are using me and say all the negative things to work with this mister. She is such a fantastic talker to her daughter , and was half threaten me that I will be grounded bc of what happened recently. ARGH! I told this male of blah blah of wat my mom said..... and he said my mom is a terrible mom and talk more and more. I couldn't say anything about what I don't like and what is my opinion of this matter is . How could I be so silent and horrible in social conversation of fixing a problem? ... Me seem like a person who would wanna escape away from the encounter matter!! The second night that he was kinda blame me of being useless, slacker, and being unproductive..and said my mother is a tradition mom and wat happens to my life . Also he said if he is in a relationship with blah blah ... but come on.. u aren't in a relationship with me?!! I thought I can be a mean human that I should stop contacting with this guy . He have hurt me; i dun have to hurt him back .Yet how could he made me think of his criticises and provided me a life lesson and those are just making my eyes teary/running nose. In my opinion, I really am a too soft and kind person. Y?! I could not say No to people who used to take an advantage of me. I am so freaking easily convince by others. I do not know how to get angry on someone . I can start to dislike that person because I don't wanna hate him . The reason is he cared about me before ... now i don't know & he was mad at me that i have that kinda mom or something? ARgh ... he's complaining his things more than me take it out .. haha how silly am i choosing to cry as a coward instead of a win talk ?! I just can't do it... I'm so pathetic to do this action to hurt my eyes and my mood. SIGH! He influences me that it is an accurate decision not to date each other. Haha ..i can't believe I wanted to work things out as being a couple with him even though he isn't my ideal guy~ well, he treated me too good and was being sweet to me too!! From now on it seems I like to say the word Idk to avoid my deep answer ,and then someone asks y ? i say idk again ... am i being fake then? omg .. hahaha maybe i should do w.e i think it is right until that person is extremely in a valuable position in a time. This is all im gonna say for now. HAHA I jus deadly wanna share this . my damn emotion mood of this mid night ~~~
Hm, haha yai! Im back to my lovely personal blog. My friend, Monica inspired her wonderful blog to make me share my daily life in here again. XD what an amusing& generous is she~ haha may be she does'nt have that intention but haha thx thought'~ This 2011 happens a lot of unexpected good and bad thing. It was a lame hiatus because I update my tumblr more than I update my blogspot. I should care about my blogspot more .... haha u know it is being together with a long time. I gonna make a pretty summarize about my 2011 story ...well of course as this nine months. WOW, so fast huh?! XD ...
ahahaha Being a city college student or a daughter, I had to attend the winter classes. I mean it was alright. I met some new cool friend ,but I met the damn annoying new girl who just came to the United States in 2 years. Indeed, I was being nice to her until she kept asking me random and ridicoulous questions, and I don't want to answer them at all. I respect that I answered her some school and life in U.S questions in class and on the phone. Hehe, I kinda don't want to say what she said or what she wanted to know?!..Well, I kinda forgot most of the detail things. I don't want to mention about her , xP Sorrie about that. I take two ENGlish as Second Language classes which is ESL Reading Lv 2 and Listening & Speaking... will continue tmr XD :P