rural=away from the city - outside the city limits in the countryside
Urban= in the city
Suburban= between the city and rural areas. lala I'm taking the public transportation
rough roads la la :P ~ Mechanic= fix your car ..dozens, double-deckers
1. Who framed Roger Rabbit? haha good book that recommended by Mr. Pell
2. Chinatown! 2nd book that recommended by Mr. Pell
deck= a platform on a level of a building, ship,plan etc..link=connect
Se prohibe ir al armario durante la clase! Se prohibe comer (a comida en la clase)
Se prohibe usar de telephono! Se prohibe hablar en la clase!
Se prohibe escribir notas a los amigos!
contemptuos: showing you that you believe someone or something does not deserve any respect
Many students in Cleveland High School are contemptous their principal.
elegant: very beautiful and graceful .. (adjective) Many celebrities dress elegantly and stylishly to red carpet.
usher: to take someone into or put of a room or building
regret(v): to feel sorry about something you have done and wish you had not done it
Kristy regrets buying many pens and two bad erasers.
Many birds fly towards the equator when winter comes. In the spring they return to their summer homes. The birds fly towards the equators to espace the cold weather.
When the people in the rally heard that the dam was breaking, they hurried to move their possessions to higher grounds. NEXT OLD note from Spanish class
verbs --> avarse- to wash banarse- to bathe ponerse- to put in quitarse- to take off peinarse- to comb cepillarse- to brush cepillarse los dienties- to brush teeth afeitarse- to shave mirarse= to look at marquillarse- to put on make up prepararse- to prepare vestirse- to get dressed secarse- to dry off arreglase - to fix (one's hair) acostarse- to go to bed ... Body Parts= la boca: mouth Todo El Carpo: whole body LOS OJOs: eyes Las piernas: legs Los dientes: teeth El pelo: hair La barba: beard or jin los sobacos: armpits la cora: face los manos: hands el sombrero: the head ~ Ar, Er, IR, in Yo me llamo o o Tu te llamas es es El se llama e e Nos Nos llamos emos lmos Ellos se llaman en en! ITems: lapiz de/la bios: lip sticks jabon:soap pasta de dientes y un cepillo de dientes teeth: tooth paste and tooth brush of la afeitadora: shave/razor una toalla: towel un peine: comb panta lones y una camisa: pants and shirts un sandwich/desayuno: sandwich and breakfast en el espejo: mirror un cepillo: toothbrush la ropa: clothes gel: gel la secadory: hair dry
The Many Facvets of Taboo
The World BOok Encyclopedia defines the word " taboo" as "an action, object person, or place forbidden by law or culture (Dundes) As pointed out in Occultopedia, another world for taboo is " tobu" a Polynesian world meaning that which is banned. The Occultopedia also points out that taboo is found among many other cultures including the ancient Egyptians, Jews and other (" Taboo')
Mary Douglas has analyzed the many facets and interpretations of taboos across various cultures. In her view, taboos could be considered a kind of " brain washing" (2546-2549), as they are transmitted to individuals along with an entire cultural system made up of a pattern of values and norms. In references to Freak Shows at circuses, an interesting observation is made that people who posses uncommon features and who willing go out in public to display such addities to onlookers are acting as " modern- day taboo breakers" by acrossing the " final boundary between societal acceptance and ostracism"( Rotheberg)/
In tradition British East Africa, between the time of puberty and marriage, a young Akamba girl must maitain an avoidance relationship with her own father ( Freud 17)
Looking at taboo in a modern society, Marvin Harris gives an interesting examples of the application of cultural materialism to the Hindu taboo against eating beef (Mc Grath).
Competition: producers attempt sell the most products - through advertisement, lower prices, and offer new product
Externalities: these are cost and benift pass to consumers- negative (waste things) positive ( have security to guard the company)