Help me~ What can i do ? I really desperate for that freakin jerk. ahaha It is like the chinese people said He may put some drug on me so that i am so obsess to him~ =/ How can i control myself of not wanting to talk to him in everyday. It is fucking hard to do it . I thought I already decided not to have any special feeling to him and just be a good friend with him lol but I one hundred percent can not =.= Damn it!! It is really much the same of being prison by something .He is such as freaking a carefree person but has a smart brain lol.I am also in a doom situation of my stupid laziness. I didn't apply/ turn in the financial aid and sign up for classes early. It will like affect my future/plan :P ahaha kinda feel not right to put slash on those two describition ... Now at the moment,I am so frighten that they won't get into the classes or free tution stuff. YEah that all I am half worry about :P but i will fix it soon, hopefuly~ Um, Now i want to share some other assignments from my tutoring English class again =] THE ISSUe of Tolerance We humans are of many cultures and races. Everyone has a different kind of psychology. We need to understand and appreciate one other. If we enjoy the others' differences, we became friends. This mean we do not want to fight wars. There are both tolerance and intolerance. A significant part of our education should be the achievement of tolerance. Some people have other ideas of this matter. A good example of intolerance was Adolf Hitler, the German dictator. He found it not possible to respect the culture of those unlike him. In fact, millions died because of his narrow-mindedness. His hated for other produced World War II. Some say he was afraid of other cultures. He never reached the point in his emotions where he could put his hostility asides. As a result, he showed the world what happened when hatred flies out of control. We do not need wars. We prefer friendship along with prosperity. One American goal is to understand other cultures including their religions. This situation creates good feelings among people who are unlike. Finally, we need to learn to like those around us. The First Hispanic Justice Sotomayor has reached the top. She represents all those who came up from the bottom. She is a symbol of inspiration. She will be making mayor decisions about the direction of this country. Sonia has already became famous. A child of poverty, she loved to study. her family left Puerto Rico and moved to New York. After high school , she entered Princeton University. She extremely well there and graduated. Major success came to her when Yale Law School answered yes. Moreover, she finished there among the best in her class.The attorrey then held numerous positions in courts. Her perfomance was excellent. The young lawyer was always moving up. As a result, she became an appeals court judge. This lady never forgot her religion. People in lowly positions became her best friends. Like Obama, her ideas are liberal. Congress has indicated it plans to vote for her favor. In conclusion, Justice Sotomayor will be one of the most powerful persons in our national government . :D COol huh ~ Hope you guys like it ! I have fun in learning this Creative Writing class ^__^