The two place I had lived
There are many countries you could travel to and spend time. The last two places where I lived are Ho Chi Minh in Vietnam and San Gabriel. Certainly, the first place I stayed there was crowded and has more diversity than the second one. Ho Chi Minih was more of my favorite place than San Gabriel. I had a lot of great experiences in the former. For example, I made my first friend, and I started to learn, to speak, and to write. Then San Gabriel valley was the first first I came to the U.S.A. Also, it was my first time meeting my uncles, aunts, and cousins. I felt really different about those two place, and I hope i could visit first place where i lived again. The reason was it is the area where i was born.
The Pros and Cons of Army Services
Most nations have an army. Many of these soldiers have difficult lives. Almost every country support its military for national protection. A land can love everything quickly. Those like Costa Rica must have close friends.
There are advantages in having national forces. The citizens gets feeling of security. They understand that someone is taking care of their defense. Young people take their pride in serving at the national level. In addition, there who serve have benefits. A major one is job training. The government provides them with physical preparedness. They often receive money to pay for college. Moreover, free medical care to available.
This includes certain disadvantages. Too many perish in battle. Large numbers are injured in war. Some have problems they can not overcome. At the same time, they have to fight loneliness. They may spend long periods of time in isolations. They contiouniously have to do wokr that they dislike. On the other hand, they can be seperated from their families for years.
The army is both nessary and uncomfortable. Every person is unifrom has to make a lot of sacrifices. American soldiers win a home loan. Even if we do not enjoy it, we realize it has value for all of us. Finally, we have no alternatives for it at the present time.
The Guantanamo Controversy
The prison in eastern Cuba is in a strange situation. All the immates are terriosts. They were taken there mainly from Afhamistan and Iraq. Obama promised to close it immediately. Closing it would solve some problems but also create new ones.
Some say that president should release the prisoner. If he did this, it would indicate he likes the warriors. They would get together and start new attacks. Everyone would choose to blame the national leader. However, Barak cannot do this. It would mean his own destruction. As a result, He has failed to keep promise. He is trapped in an impossible situation.
Our leader wants smart suggestions. He has no ideas of what he should do with those in cells in Cuba.. He can only wait for the right person to tell him. It is a hot topic which he prefers to avoid. In conclusion, no matter what happen, people will say it is his disaster.
Wrong Diagnosis
Roger had a physical exam. Dr. Caldwell did some tests with scary results. The diagonis was terminal cancer. This would change his life. The same thing can happen to us.
The patients refused to believe his doctor. He knows he is in good health, so he does not have such a serious serious medical problem. He decided to take a vacation to think about it. He chose not to mention the tragedy to his family. In fact, he wanted to spend some time alone. He told his wife he needs to take a rest. Alone, his friend is going to Mexico with him for two weeks. As a consequence, they devote their time there to discussing his option.
The two friends reach a major decisions. They return home , he can see a different physicians. Dr.Caldwell performs serval exams and tells him he had no disease. After a discussing, they elect to file suit against Comwell. Finally, the lawyer is gathering evidence for court.
* Complete Sentence Structure* :P I waked down the street. She didn't where Ed had run off to. Wasn't in the coffee shop or at the newsstand. She shoook her head. Ed was always running off. We'd been walking together and then i just disappointed.
The vocab to know in Spanish~ la derecha de : to the right a la izquierda de: to the left derecho: straight ahead cerea de: close to lejos de: far away from de lante de : in front of detras de : behind of al lado de : on the side of encima de : on top of entre: between en el centro: in the center socre: on abovce - los lapices: pencils la pluma: pen el marcado: marker la caja de kleenex: box of kleenex el sombrero: hat la bottle de aqua : the bottle of H2O las tijeras: scissors El borrador : erasers la regla: ruler el libro: the book la grapadora: stapler :/ ERR , i am so bad on studying the direction Spanish words...