" The Piece Of String" is a sorrowful story. It was written in olden times, in France, at a restaurant in spring time. The major characters in the plot were Mr. Haycorn, and Mr. Landin. Mr. Landin accused him of stealing the wallet from a farmer in the morning. In fact, Mr. Hacorn was an innocent old man who just found a twine. He tried to persuade the farmers that he didn't take the wallet several times. Later on, another farmer returned the item, but the farmers from the town still doubted Mr.Haycorn motive. The major felt very disgraced by the untruthful statement of the farmers. The plot made it so tense in the neighborhood hating others, and being insult by others wwhen the man did not do it. In conclusion, the protagonist died from a painful fever with no one believing him of just grabbing a piece of string.
Hmm actually this one is one of my quizz haha just did the correct from my mistake~
Now go into the business letter assignment that had correct by him~
700 Spring St.
Los Angeles, CA 90012
May 6, 2009
Mr. Larson Hayden, Manager
1150 Sunset Blvd
Bombo Costili
Santa Monica, CA 90120
Dear Mr. Hayden
I am informing the readeer that I am not accepting this issue I have. There is someone at work doing something that I don't like. We have been working about a year, and contribute the ideas to the boss. At first, she treated me gentle like a sister. When I got on a problem doing a case for my client, she tried to help me, and acted like an angel. Then, I got a better idea and took it to the company. She was doing some unusual things such as telling offensive jokes, and threat me. She was becoming crazier, and interupted what I did in order to make herself feel good. I didn't what to do about her action, but she continued approaching and mocking me.
Please make her leave this place as soon as possible. She is full of high intrigue toward people when her colleague does better than her.
Doan Su
The nation depends on several new kinds od technology. The whole world benefits from the internet. It helps us to do quickly things we could not do before. We have a number of space stations in orbit this planet. Tjey continue to do experiments for us twenty-four hours per day. In addition, there are three robots on or near Planet Mars. Much of our future is in the hands of robotic devices. Microsugery is being used to avoid cutting the human body. Tiny robots enter through the blood stream. Further more, our stealth aircraft is revolutionizing of flying machinese.
American Expresss
1234 Buscayne Road
Fast Lauderdale, Fl 22023j
I write regarding way my card account no 66103 297 32006. We purchased two airline ticket round trip Los Angeles to Paris on April 02, 2009. Our receipt says the total costs was $2,655.41. Your monthly statement quotes the price as 3,162.38. We request an explaination of this difference.
Please send us a written response. 213-626-7151
Thank you
Doan Su~