i shouldn't give a damn or care of those friends who don't respect me. They are the bitches that no manner. They are damn bitch; they don't give a good manner when they don't know they are asking too much. It was as if she was thinking "I hate you" while she told me "nevermind," after I refused to to help her translate stuff. I knew I was right, even a classmate told me that she was using me. I dont understand how she could have such an attitude after helping her so much. I dong like it one bit =/Hahaha am i unfortunate girl that i have these kind of friends? The best friend i have is not beside me and don't give me much of secure to sastify my loneliness. I wanna know how come i could be so naive & easily believe people or trust someone .. . Give a whole heart to them and dun recieve anything good?? I got the friends that dun respect and think that i'm vuluable to share secret and treasure me. I should have not think to desire those friend to be my goodie friend in my whole life. THey are not worth it for me sacrifice my time to help them find the things they want & help the things they need. =/ THey are bitch like sometimes they need u when they need something ... they won't come up to u when u r bored ...NO .... fuck i hate yafang, minh, nhi,linh, kim thu, and thu ... even Nhieu but not in whole heart of her. I think the most treasure me is family, computer, money. XD wakaka end this blog :D I love my sister ... she is the best that always comfort me :P haha i should know she nag me of my education is for my own good~